12 Self Care Tips For Busy Moms That Will Change Your Life

It is no secret that being a mom is hard work.  Probably the hardest work that you will ever do and you never clock in or clock out of this one.  Nothing quite prepares you for the role like jumping in head first.  We strive every day to do our very best but no one can be supermom.  Yes, definitely not even me.  We strive for perfection but are hard on our selves when we fall short.  I am hear you tell you that no one is perfect.  

Raise your hand if you have ever put your child’s needs before your own?  Of course, we all have.  Like you, I would do anything for my boys.  The problem lies when we only put ourselves last time and time again.  When I became a new mom, I wish that someone would of gave me the same advice as I am giving you now.  Put yourself on the to do list and make it a habit!

In a world where most families center themselves around their kids, it seems selfish to take time for ourselves.  It is not selfish to take care of your physical and mental health.  Get rid of the mom guilt!  Bring your needs up to the level of your children’s.  For me, I definitely put myself last most of the time and it shows.  I also had dreams and aspirations that I put on hold until this last year like the start of Coffee and Confetti Mom.  It was put on hold for good reason and I believe that God has perfect timing.

Here are 12 tips to improving your self care as a mom.  

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.  This one is a big one because we feel like we aren’t good enough or we have somehow failed as a mom.  But remember, It takes a village.  Don’t be afraid to accept help when it is offered too.
  2. Learn to say no.  This may take a little courage but it is ok to say no to things and not spread yourself too thin.
  3. Move your body.  Schedule time in advance for opportunities to workout or simply go on a walk.  One of our best purchases last year was a Peloton.  Try joining an accountability group to keep you on track.  For me, I joined a Facebook group with Refine You where we logged in our workouts and macros daily.  Refine You also helps with a personalized nutrition plan, recipes, workouts plans, and more.  You also don’t have to be local so check it out.
  4. Share responsibility with your spouse.  Communication is key here.  Take the time to relay expectations and prioritize what needs to get done.  For me, I thought that the dishes had to be clean, toys picked up, and laundry folded daily to be a good mom.  Turns out it doesn’t define you.  So let it go!
  5. Treat yourself.  Go ahead, plan an hour or more for me time.  It doesn’t have to be a trip to the spa or nail salon, it could be just some pampering at home.  Another option could be simply doing something that brings you joy.
  6. Schedule date nights.  When young kids are in the house, we tend to put our marriage on the back burner.  For us it was hard to find a sitter and we were just too exhausted.  Nonetheless, we need to push through it and be intentional with our time together as a couple.  Our kids feel security in a strong parental relationship.
  7. Eat healthy.  Easier said than done, I know.  Especially when we make meals consisting of mac & cheese and pizza for our kids.   This right now is our biggest struggle.  To get our kids to eat other options and healthier options.  Making two meals every night is hard to do.  Intermittent fasting is another option that I have used in the past and seems to help me with late night eating.  Check out more information about it at WebMD.  Please check with your doctor before trying any new diet plan.
  8. Visit with friends.  Go ahead, reach out to your favorite gals and schedule some much needed time.  You are less likely to cancel on a friend if you set a date and write it in your calendar. 
  9. Find activities that bring you joy.  This can be a hard one because we have put our kids before ourselves for so long that we forgot who we are.  Spend time to figure out who you were before you had kids.
  10. Self development.  Commit to learning a new skill, reading an inspirational book, or even listening to a podcast.  My girlfriends and I are always sharing podcasts and books that we found worth while.
  11. Spend time reading the Bible.  Immerse yourself in your faith daily.  Most people find time first thing in the morning when all is silent or after bedtime.  I am a night owl so my time is after the kids go to bed.
  12. Drink lots of water.  For most of us busy moms, we don’t even take the time to stop and drink water.  You actually should be drinking eight to nine cups of water (fluid) a day.  I definitely don’t drink enough but trying to do better.

The biggest thing to do with these 12 self care tips is to turn them into a habit.  After all, you are setting the example for your kids.  They see you making time to exercise, making good food choices, and having good relationships with friends which will make them want to follow in your foot steps.

Strive to be the best version of yourself and to be the best mom to your kids.  Embrace this season of your life and put yourself on the list.

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